
Select a trait:

XFT Database

This column indicates whether the observation was included during initial database (up to 2012), the 2012-2020 update, or was uploaded via the website submission portal.


Indicates the row number of the observation in the complete database.


Taxonomic group: Angiosperm, Gymnosperm, Pteridophyte, Lycophyte


Family of plant as reported in the paper (Capital first letter).


Genus of plant as reported in the paper (capital first letter).


Specific epithet as reported in the paper (lower case first letter).


Subspecies, variety, filial generation, hybrid id, cultivar, or other distinguishing characterics of the genetic orgin of the plants.

Cleaned family

Cleaned Family based on APGIII

Cleaned genus

Cleaned Genus based on APGIII

Cleaned species

Cleaned Species based on APGIII

Cleaned binomial

Cleaned binomial based on APGIII

Plant form

Plant Organ

Organ of the plant in which the measurements were conducted. S= stem, T= trunk, R = root, P= petiole of leaf, L = whole leaf.

Developmental Stage

Developmental stage as described by the data’s reference paper. Se = seedling, Sa = sapling, A = adult R= resprout


Type of plant growthform. T = tree, S = shrub, L = liana, G = grass, F = forb, C = cactus


Setting of study: N = natural, G = greenhouse, C = common garden, E = experiment


Class of mega-, meso-, micro-, or nanophanerophyte. 1 = mega, 2 = meso (<20m), 3 = micro (<10m), 4 = nanophanerophyte (<3m)

Height max

Maximum height for this species when naturally occuring (in meters).

Height actual

Actual height of plants in study (in meters).


Diameter at breast height, typically 1.3-1.5m. (Pérez-Harguindeguy et al. 2013)


Collection year.


Collection month.


Collection day.


Hemisphere of collection, N = northern, S = southern.

Hydraulic Traits

Plant hydraulic traits in the xylem functional traits database are most often those derived from, or related to the vulnerability curve of a species. Vulnerability curves describe the increase in hydraulic impairment (or, decrease in conductivity) along an increasing tension gradient (more negative water potentials). Note, hydraulic traits may range widely between organs within a single species, or within species across their range, or due to particular methods used to obtain the data. Thus, we urge care and caution in analyses which ignore the metadata here for tissue, developmental stage, and methods used. Below is a figure of a vulnerability curve:


The xylem tension at which 50% of the maximum hydraulic conductivity is lost.

A vulnerability curve with P50 circled.

A vulnerability curve with P50 circled.


The xylem tension at which 12% of the maximum hydraulic conductivity is lost, also referred to as the air-entry point. \(P_{12}\) is defined in (Domec and Gartner, 2001) as \(P_{12} = \frac{2}{slope + P_{50}}\).
A vulnerability curve with P12 circled.

A vulnerability curve with P12 circled.


The xylem tension at which 88% of the maximum hydraulic conductivity is lost

A vulnerability curve with P88 circled.

A vulnerability curve with P88 circled.


Slope of vulnerability curve (% / MPa). \(Slope = \frac{88-12}{P_{88}-P_{12}}\) (Domec and Gartner, 2001)
A vulnerability curve with P50, P88 circled, and the equation for slope.

A vulnerability curve with P50, P88 circled, and the equation for slope.


E = exponential (blue), S = sigmoidal (red), O = other

Figure 2: A sigmoidal vulnerability curve (red solid line, 'S') and an exponential vulnerability curve (blue dashed line, 'E').

Figure 2: A sigmoidal vulnerability curve (red solid line, ‘S’) and an exponential vulnerability curve (blue dashed line, ‘E’).


W = Weibull, P = polynomial, PW = Pammenter & Van der Willigen, L = linear

\(P_{50}\) method

DH = dehydration (Sperry and Tyree, 1988; Tyree et al., 1992; Bréda et al., 1993)

CE = centrifuge (Pockman et al., 1995; Alder et al., 1997; Torres-Ruiz et al., 1995)

CA = cavitron ( Cochard et al., 2005; Torres-Ruiz et al., 2017)

AD = air-injection double end (Cochard et al., 1992; Salleo et al., 1992)

AS = air-injection single end (Cochard et al., 1992)

AE = acoustic emissions(Milburn, 1966; Tyree et al., 1984; Nolf et al., 2015)

OV = optical vulnerability (Brodribb et al., 2017; OpenSourceOV)

MicroCT = microCT (Choat et al., 2016; Choat et al., 2010)

Pn = pneumatic method/Pneumatron (Pereira et al., 2019; Pereira et al., 2016; Bittencourt et al., 2018)

MRI = magnetic resonance imaging (Hochberg et al., 2015)


\(\frac{kg}{m\;MPa\;s}\) stem specific conductivity = xylem conductivity per unit of cross-sectional sapwood area


(kg m-1 MPa-1 s-1) leaf specific conductivity = xylem conductivity per total area of leaves distal to the measured segment


ψp min predawn (MPa) Minimum predawn xylem pressure potential.

ψp min midday (MPa) Minimum midday xylem pressure potential.

Huber value

ratio of conducting xylem area per supported leaf area


Sapwood water storage capacity (kg m-3 MPa-1)


Placeholder for anatomy traits overview.

Av. tracheid length (μm)

only for gymnosperms and vesselless angiosperms

Av. vessel length (cm)

only for angiosperms

Vessel length method

vessel length method (silicon injection; air-injection; other)

Max vessel length

(cm) only for angiosperms

Av. conduit diameter

(μm) mean tangential vessel diameter for angiosperms; tangential tracheid diameter for gymnosperms

dh mean hydraulic diameter (μm)

dh mean hydraulic diameter (μm)

Conduit density per mm2

Number of vessels (angiosperms) or tracheids (gymnosperms) per mm

Vessel grouping index

Total number of vessels in a minimum of 25 vessel groups divided by the number of groups counted

Ac (Intervessel contact fraction)

Fraction of the vessel surface area contacting another vessel (%) = perimeter of intervessel wall divided by total vessel wall perimeter

Pit membrane surface area

(µm2) Average pit membrane surface area - earlywood only

Interconduit pit size

(μm) horizontal diameter of a bordered pit at the broadest point (= pit membrane diameter) - earlywood only

Outer pit aperture diameter

(μm) horizontal diameter of the (outer) pit aperture at the broadest point - earlywood only

Aperture / Pit size

Outer pit aperture diameter / interconduit pit size

Intervessel pit membrane thickness

(nm) intervessel pit membrane thickness

Torus diameter

(μm) horizontal diameter of the torus at its broadest point

Torus overlap

(diameter of the torus - diameter of the aperture)/diameter of the torus


presence of small protuberances from the secondary cell wall associated with bordered pits of angiosperms

Fp (pit fraction)

The fraction of the conduit wall occupied by interconduit pits, i.e. pit area per total conduit wall area

Ap (interconduit pit (membrane) area mm2)

total interconduit pit (membrane) surface area [Ap = Fp x Avessel/tracheid]


diffuse-porosity; ring-porosity; semi-ring-porosity

Perforation plates

Simple; scalariform; mixed (i.e. simple and scalariform)

Ground tissue

tracheids (vasicentric, vascular or true tracheids), libriform fibres, fibres

Vasicentric tracheids

tracheids surrounding vessels (present or absent)

Mechanical Properties

Placeholder for mechanical properties overview.

Modulus of rupture (MOR)

Modulus of rupture (MOR)

Flexual stiffness (EI)

Flexual stiffness (EI)

Modulus of elasticity (MOE)

Modulus of elasticity (MOE)

t (μm)

double intervessel or intertracheid cell wall thickness (µm)

Theoretical vessel implosion resistance

(t/b)2; t = double intervessel or intertracheid cell wall thickness (µm); b = vessel or tracheid lumen diameter (excluding the cell wall)

ρ (wood specific gravity; g/cm3)

oven dry mass/fresh volume [please make a note in the notes column when green mass/volume was measured]

Leaf data

Placeholder for leaf data overview.

SLA (specific leaf area; cm2 g-1)

specific leaf area = leaf area to mass ratio

Total stomata density

sum of adaxial and abaxial stomatal densities (number of stomata per cm2)

Stomatal index

[S / (E+S)] * 100, where S is the number of stomata per unit area, and E is the number of epidermal cells per same unit area

Gs (mol m-2 s-1)

Maximum stomatal conductance

Gsmin (mol m-2 s-1)

Minimum stomatal conductance

Gcut (mol m-2 s-1)

Cuticular conductance


E = evergreen, W = winter deciduous, D = drought deciduous

Amax (micromol/m2/s)

Photosynthetic capacity (micronol/m2/s)


big delta 13C (per mill) for


Maximum leaf hydraulic conductance measured on a leaf (e.g., with evaporative flux method), and units:

\(\frac{mmol}{m^2\; s\; MPa}\)


Placeholder for location overview.


City, area, location







Provenance Latitude

Provenance Latitude

Provenance Longitude

Provenance Longitude


Altitude (m)

Altitude provenance

Altitude provenance (m)


Placeholder for climate overview.

Mean annual precipitation

(mm) for study area or GBIF queries for species names

Av annual temperature

(C°) for study area or GBIF queries for species names




TRR = tropical rainforest, TRS = tropical seasonal forest (savanna), TMR = temperate rain forest, TMS = temperate seasonal forest, WDS = woodland/shrubland, DES = deserts, BOT = boreal-tundra


Placeholder for database overview.


Reference from which data was contributed.

Contributor I

Name of the participant who integrated the data

Contributor II

Name of the participant who double-checked the data.


Any remark made by participants regarding the data.